The DEMETER pilot projects are used to demonstrate and evaluate how innovations and extended capabilities benefit from the interoperability mechanisms. The pilots, running across 18 European countries, are also used to monitor the evolution of the maturity in the stakeholders involved. 20 pilot projects, grouped into 5 clusters, are running across: Arable crops Precision farming […]

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The project activities in the first 18 months of its lifetime have been successful #sieusoil #H2020 #MissionSoil In case you missed some of the November news ! EU Soil Observatory launch “Soils Health matters! Boosting Farmers – Driven Solutions to Soils Health” Listen to the second SIEUSOIL podcast What can you do to stop soil […]

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The DIONE project  team(funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.870378), invites you to participate in the webinar entitled  DIONE – Paving the way for advanced and modernized Common Agricultural Policy area-based monitoring! The Webinar aims to bring together different actors from European Paying Agencies (both, Member States and Candidate States) as well as […]

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COVID-19 INSPIRE Hackathon 2020 aiming to develop and share agri-food economy solutions to balance the imperatives of the present with the demands of the future goes after two-month hacking into the final stage scheduled at 19th November! Register now! In the COVID-19 INSPIRE Hackathon hackers have addressed the following topics: Facilitate access to data and […]

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In the latest issue you can learn more on STARGATE project progress and news. Get our insights on Resilient Agriculture and find out more about the project pilots. Read also the report on the stakeholder meetings and the challenges identified in the Spanish pilot area. Don’t forget to visit our YouTube channel and view our […]

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Feedback period: 5 Nov – 17 Dec 2020 The new Soil Strategy will provide the overarching framework and the concrete pathway towards achieving the following objectives: Step up efforts to protect soil fertility and reduce soil erosion. Increase soil organic matter and restore carbon-rich ecosystems. Protect and enhance soil biodiversity. Reduce the rate of land […]

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A documentary telling the stark story of land degradation as a result of industrialised or intensive farming in the United States and elsewhere. The strength of the film is that it does a great job of contextualising the current state of agricultural soils impacted by the dominance of industrial monocultures around the world. It shows […]

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Agenda of the webinar: Welcome from the moderator Hackathon introduction and quick overview of 3 challenges: similarities and differences Atlas of the Best Practices (the Enabling project) – common technical platform for presentation of outputs of individual Challenges Ch. 2 presentation goals, the Atlas prototype – Regional Specialities, Expected outputs, brainstorming Ch. 6 presentation goals, […]

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