Only 2 days left to register for the DEMETER Open Call webinar. Have your chance to ask any questions on the #OpenCall topics, the application process & the reference architecture! Join us 5th November 11AM (CET) Register now #H2020 #funding

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V září 2020 byl zveřejněn druhý Newsletter z projektu Evropské unie STARGATE. Náplní tohoto projektu je velmi aktuální problematika stávající doby, a to boj s projevy změny klimatu modely “přizpůsobení se”. Projekt bude trvat následující 3 roky. V nejnovějším čísle se můžete dozvědět více o pokroku a novinkách v projektu STARGATE. Získejte postřehy o odolném […]

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První webinář DEMETER Open Call se koná příští středu 7. října v 11:00 (SELČ), jednací jazyk – angličtina Budou podrobněji projednány témata otevřené výzvy a proces podávání žádosti. Registrace na webinář: Více o výzvě Open Call Hlavní projekt digitální transformace zemědělského sektoru v Evropě, DEMETER, zahajuje svou první otevřenou výzvu a jste zváni k účasti!DEMETER […]

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The COVID 19 INSPIRE Hackathon webinar series is starting this Friday 25th September! The webinar series will be kicked off with the webinar called Blockchain technology to ensure food security in Africa and you are cordially invited. Register now! Food security is vital in the COVID-19 pandemic era and post COVID-19 as Africa still struggles […]

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Register now! Mentors: Karel Jedlicka, Michal Kepka The challenge aims to calculate all relevant agro-climatic factors (see below) in order to describe an area of interest comprehensively, using the algorithms published here. The challenge aims to test the global applicability of the factors’ calculations – thus we look forward to a wide variety of case […]

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Register now! Mentor: Radoslav Delina The rapid pressure on the development of the social economy has often been caused by the inefficient development of social enterprises. Low transparency of their production, location or their potential to meet market demands, lack of information and unavailable geospatial and other relevant analyzes of social economy development, as well […]

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Register now! Mentors: Jiri Kvapil, Ivo Denemark, Herman Snevajs Covid19 pandemic and mainly subsequent restrictions was and still is a test for the food supply chain in order to provide enough food to the market to the end customers. Especially in crises a good decision can be made only with enough information. During the previous […]

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Register now! Mentor: Mohammed Nayeem Around 15.5% of the adult population of Qatar is suffering from diabetes. 55 million people have diabetes in the MENA region and it is estimated that by 2045 this will rise to 108 million. Medicines are effective but not without their side-effects. What the region needs right now are more […]

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Register now! Mentor: Clodagh Durkan “Agriculture companies looking to help promote food security and position themselves to be winners in the post-COVID-19 world must conserve their financial strength so that they can make the necessary strategic acquisitions, boost their efforts to build or buy technologies that promote sustainability while supporting farmer P&Ls, and develop more […]

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Register NOW! Mentors: Antoine Kantiza, Tuula Löytty The traditional knowledge of African agriculture has been used efficiently during many decades and until today somewhat in several areas of Africa for feeding African population.  The indigenous knowledge in African agriculture is known to be resilient to many hazards nevertheless the traditional knowledge in agriculture is shrinking […]

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